Parker’s Cove Baptist Church Constitution

Latest Revision March 2012


              Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour; and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; we do now, in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality in sustaining its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, and the spread of the Gospel throughout all nations.


We also engage to cultivate the devotional life; to rear our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk carefully in the world; to be just in our dealings, to be faithful in our responsibilities, and to be an example by our conduct; to avoid all idle talk, backbiting and unrighteous anger; to practice moderation in all things and to abstain from things harmful to our physical or spiritual well-being; and to be zealous in all our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour.


We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offence, always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Saviour, to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that if we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with some other Church, where we can carry out the spirit of the Covenant, and the principles of God’s Word.




  1. THE SCRIPTURES:  The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments have their authority from God alone, and are given to us by divine inspiration.  They are the only perfect, supreme, infallible, and sufficient standard of faith and practice.  II Timothy 3:16 & 17, and II Peter 1:20 & 21.
  2. GOD:  There is one true and living God; He is an infinite Spirit; self-existent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, good, wise, just, and merciful.  He is the creator, preserver, and sovereign of the universe; He is expressly glorious in holiness, and worthy of all honor, confidence, and love.  In the Godhead there are three persons in one – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are equal in every divine perfection, and who execute distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.  Revelation 19:6, John 4:24, Isaiah 44:6, 1 John 5:7, Mark 12:32, and John 10:30.
  3. JESUS CHRIST:  Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the second person of the Trinity who, by virtue of His sacrificial work, is the world’s Redeemer and Saviour of all who believe.  He is at present intercessor of all His people at the right hand of the Father, and is to be the Judge of all men.  Matthew 16:16, Luke 2:11, John 1: 1,2 & 14, 1 John 2:1, Romans 5:8, I Corinthians 15:3 & 4, Hebrews 7:25, and Romans 14:11 & 12.
  4. THE HOLY SPIRIT:  The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, by whom all saving, comforting, and sanctifying power is exerted upon human hearts.  Titus 3:5, John 6:63, John 14:16-18 & 26, John 15:26, John 16:7-14, Romans 8:14 &16, I Peter 1:2, and Ezekiel 36:26..
  5. STATE AND FALL OF MAN:  Man was created sinless.  By his own disobedience he fell into sin.  Through his fall into sin, an evil nature was transmitted to the whole race, revealing itself in actual transgressions, and bringing all under the reign of condemnation and death.  Genesis 1:26 & 27, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12 & 19, and Ephesians 2:1-3.
  6. ATONEMENT:  The perfect life, vicarious death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, have removed the obstacles in the way of the Holy Spirit’s regenerating power and of the Father’s forgiving grace being extended to the sinner, and constitute for every believing soul an all-prevailing plea and sufficient ground for righteousness before God.  Romans 5:11, I Peter 3:18 & 19, Ephesians 1:7, II Corinthians 5:21, and John 1:12.
  7. REGENERATION:  In regeneration a new life principle is begotten in the soul of a man by the Holy Spirit through the word of truth, producing a disposition of joyful obedience to Christ and to holy conduct in life.  John 3:3, Titus 3:5, II Corinthians 5:19, Ephesians 2:8-10, John 1:12 & 13, and John 3:5-8.
  8. REPENTANCE:  In repentance the sinner, having seen his sin, being moved by the energy of the Holy Spirit, is led to grieve for, and recognize it as an offence against God, and apprehending the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, he lovingly returns to God to walk in the way of His commandments. Psalm 97:10, Amos 5:15, Luke 13:2 & 3, Acts 17:30, Romans 12:9, II Corinthians 5:17, Luke 15:7, and II Timothy 2:25 & 26.
  9. FAITH:  Faith is a conviction of the intellect that God will perform all that he has promised, and an implicit trust in the heart of Christ as a personal Saviour.  It includes a enthusiastic agreement of the will and affections with the whole plan of salvation as revealed in the gospel, and is a condition of justification and of the cleansing from the contamination of sin, and of all subsequent gospel blessing.  Romans 4:5, Ephesians 2:8, Jon 5:24, Romans 10:9 & 10, and Hebrews 11:6.
  10. JUSTIFICATION:  Justification is an act of God wherein He accepts as righteous the sinner, to whom it is imputed the perfect righteousness of Christ, on the condition of faith alone.  Galatians 2:16, Romans 5:1 & 9, and Romans 4:4&5.
  11. SANCTIFICATION:  The scriptures teach that sanctification is the process by which, according to the will of God, Christians are made partakers of His Holiness; that it has at its beginning regeneration, and that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence of the Holy Spirit, in the continual use of the appointed means – the Word of God – self-examination, obedience, watchfulness, and prayer.  Hebrews, 10:10, I Corinthians 6:11, John 16:7 – 14, John 17:17, Ephesians 5:26, 1 Corinthians 1:30, and I Thessalonians 4:3.
  12. A GOSPEL CHURCH:  We believe that a Church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers, associated by covenant in the faith, and fellowship of the gospel; observing the ordinances of Christ, governed by His laws; and exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word.  In more general sense the word Church is used to designate all those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  The only scriptural officers are pastors, and elders or deacons, whose qualifications, claims, and duties are defined in the epistles of Timothy and Titus.  Acts 2:14 & 42, Titus 1:5-9, I Corinthians 11:2, I Timothy 3:2-6, and Matthew 18:20.
  13. BAPTISM:  This is the immersion of believers in water into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which signifies their death unto the world, their resurrection to the newness of life, the burial, and resurrection of Christ, their resurrection at the last day, and their commitment to serve God.  Acts 8:36-38, Acts 2:41 & 42, John 3:22 &23, Romans 6:4, and Matthew 28:19.
  14. THE LORD’S SUPPER:  The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Christ, to be observed by the churches in the manner indicated by Him in Matthew 26:26 – 30, and I Corinthians 11:23-24.
  15. DEATH:  At death our bodies return to dust, our souls to God who gave them.  The righteous being then perfected in happiness are received to dwell with God, awaiting the full redemption of their bodies.  The wicked are cast into Hades reserved for judgment on the great day.  I Corinthians 15:42, 49, 50, 54, & 55, II Corinthians 5:8, and Luke 16:19-31.
  16. RESURRECTION:  There will be a general resurrection of the bodies of the just and unjust; the righteous in the likeness of Christ, but the wicked to shame and everlasting contempt.  Acts 24:15, John 5:28 & 29, and Psalms 9:17.
  17. GENERAL JUDGEMENT:  There will be a judgment of the living and the dead, of just and unjust, on principles of righteousness, by our Lord Jesus Christ, at His second coming.  The wicked will be condemned to eternal punishment, and the righteous into the fullness of eternal life and joy.  Revelations 20:11-15, and II Corinthians 5:10.





1.      Parker’s Cove Baptist Church, is incorporated under the Nova Scotia Societies Act.


The main objectives are,

(a)     the maintenance of public worship and the preaching of the Gospel;

(b)     the study of the Bible;

(c)      the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom through evangelism;

(d)     Christian education;

(e)     support missionary outreach, here and abroad

(f)       such causes that God brings to the churches attention




2.     In these by-laws unless there is something in the subject or context that is inconsistent with these definitions:

(a)     “The Church” means Parker’s Cove Baptist Church.

(b)     “Baptism” means believer’s baptism by immersion.

(c)      “Registrar” means the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies appointed under the Nova Scotia Companies Act.

(d)     “Special Resolution” means a resolution passed by not less than three-fourths of such members entitled to vote as are present in person at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a Special Resolution has been duly given.

(e)      “Chairman” means either masculine or feminine Chairperson.




3.     Any person who gives evidence of regeneration by acceptance of Jesus Christ as both Saviour and Lord, and who desires to confess Him publicly and accepts the obligations of the Church Covenant may by vote of the Church become a member:

(a)     by Baptism;

(b)     by letter, from another church of like minded faith;

(c)      by experience, if the candidate has been baptized and gives satisfactory evidence of a Christian character, although unable to obtain a letter of dismissal from another church of like minded faith;

(d)     by restoration, upon evidence of repentance when membership has been lost by withdrawal of fellowship.


5.      For church membership, any person who gives evidence of regeneration by acceptance of Jesus Christ as both Saviour and Lord, and who desires to confess Him publicly and accepts the obligations of the Church Covenant, yet who for reasons of health is unable to submit to the ordinance of Baptism, with the recommendation of the Pastor and the Board of Deacons, they may by vote of the Church become a member.  Baptism will be administered according to Biblical standards, at the discretion of the Pastor and Deacons’ Board, for any person requesting baptism only.


6.    The following procedure shall be used in dealing with new candidates who offer themselves for membership in the Church:

(a)     The candidate shall first come before the Pastor and the Board of Deacons and give a satisfactory statement of personal conversion and religious experience.

(b)     The Pastor and the Board of Deacons shall be responsible to share the Church’s Covenant and by-laws with the candidate and to answer any questions the candidate may have about either.

(c)      The Pastor and the Board of Deacons shall then present their recommendations to the Church.

(d)     The candidate will be required to attend baptism classes administered by the Pastor prior to baptism.



 7.     The members of the Church shall constitute the final authority for all matters pertaining to the Church.

(a)     All active members in good standing are entitled to one vote and no more on any question presented at a business meeting, and with important exceptions noted below a simple majority shall decide a question.   NOTE:   Active being those who show an interest in the church through attendance and financial support.

(b)     Because Church business is important and because children may easily be swayed, all members must be sixteen years of age to be eligible to vote.

(c)      There shall be no proxy voting.




8.      The object of discipline shall be to keep the Church pure and to reclaim erring members.

In case of difference between members, the offended member shall act according to the rules found in Matthew 18: 15-17, and if possible settle the difficulty without publicity.

(a)     It is the duty of each member to seek help (spiritual and/or professional) if they find themselves abusing any substance, other people, or anything that is adversely affecting their relationship with God.

(b)     No case of personal difference shall be brought before the Church, unless by the recommendation of the Board of Deacons.

(c)      In case of habitual unbiblical conduct, it shall be the duty of the Board of Deacons first with two representatives, then if necessary, as a whole Board, to counsel and admonish.  If this proves ineffectual, they shall then report the facts to the Church.

(d)     In case of crime or gross impropriety committed or alleged by common report, it shall be the duty of the Board of Deacons to investigate and, if proved to their satisfaction, they shall report this fact to the Church with their recommendation.

(e)     Fellowship may  be withdrawn by Church vote:

  1.                                                                 i.      From any member against whom charges of crime or gross impropriety are sustained.
  2.                                                                ii.      From any member who after faithful counsel persists in habitual unchristian conduct.

(f)       Any accused person shall have the right to be furnished with a copy of the charges against him/her and to appear in their own defense.

(g)     The Church shall seek the restoration of those from whom fellowship has been withdrawn as soon after as it is convinced genuine repentance has taken place.




9.      Separation from the Church may be effected:

(a)     By letter of dismissal, stating whether membership held is regular, non-resident, active or inactive, if any member wishes to unite with another church, following two weeks’ notice in the Church bulletin and a congregational vote.

(b)     By certificate of membership or letter, stating whether any member wishes to unite with a church of another denomination.

(c)      By withdrawal of fellowship, which shall only be by a Special Resolution.

(d)     By deletion, at the member’s own request.




10.    There shall be an annual business meeting of the Church no later than the first week of February, the hour and place to be decided by common consent.  In case of inclement weather, the annual business meeting shall be held on the next available date.

(a)     All officers, boards, and committees, and organizations of the Church will hold regular meetings and shall give a concise report in writing of their activities for the previous year at the annual business meeting.

(b)     A special business meeting of the Church may be called by the Pastor, the Clerk, and any one of the boards or by the Clerk at the written request of five or more members.   The items of business to be discussed must be announced in the call for the meeting.   Only items of business contained in the request for the meeting will be considered.


(c)      The annual and all special business meetings shall be announced, specifying place, day and hour, on the two Sunday mornings preceding the time of the meeting.  Notice shall be given from the pulpit or, alternatively, in writing by means of the weekly Church bulletin distributed to members at the Church service.  The non-receipt of any notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any general business meeting.




11.    No business shall be transacted at any general meeting of the Church unless a quorum of members is present at the start of the business meeting.  A quorum shall consist of fifteen percent of the resident members of the Church at the time of the meeting.


12.    If within one-half hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum of members is not present, the meeting, if called by request of the members, shall be dissolved.  In any other case, it shall stand adjourned to such time and place as a majority of the members then present shall decide.  If at such adjourned meeting a quorum of members is not present, it shall be adjourned indefinitely.




13.    At the annual business meeting, the order of business shall be as follows:

(a)     Call to order.

(b)     Devotional.

(c)      Ratification of a chairman.

(d)     Reading of the following statement:  All active members have the right to vote.  All other attendees shall abstain from the discussion of motions and may not vote.

(e)     Presentation of the minutes.

(f)       Review all reports

(g)     Election of Officers, Boards and Committees.

(h)     Appointment of the Auditors.

(i)       Approval of the budget.

(j)       Business arising out of the minutes.

(k)      New business.

(l)       Adjournment.




14.    All business meetings shall be called to order by the Pastor or in his absence by the Clerk or a Deacon.   The meeting shall then ratify a chairman.


15.    All business shall be presented by a motion, made by a member and seconded by another, and presented in writing by the mover, if so required.  No discussion can properly be had until the motion is made, seconded and stated by the Chairman.


16.    A Motion, once it has been discussed, shall be put to vote, unless withdrawn or postponed.   A motion cannot be withdrawn after it has been discussed, except by the unanimous consent of the meeting.


17.    A motion lost shall not be recorded, unless so ordered by the meeting at the time.  A motion lost shall not be reconsidered at the same meeting except by unanimous consent.


18.    A second motion shall not be allowed to interrupt one already under debate, except a motion to amend, to postpone, or to adjourn.


19.    Amendments may be made to motions in three ways: by omitting, by adding, or by substituting words or sentences.   The amendment must first be discussed and decided, and then the original motion or the original motion as amended.


20.    A member desiring to speak should rise in his place, address the chairman and confine his remarks to the motion under discussion.  A speaker using improper language, introducing improper subjects, or otherwise out of order, shall be called to order by the chairman.  He must either conform to the rules of order governing the meeting or take his seat.


21.    A motion shall be put to vote by the chairman who shall first distinctly restate it.  First, the affirmative, then the negative, shall be called.   He shall then distinctly announce whether the motion is carried or lost.   Voting may be done by calling for “yeas” and “nays”, by holding up the hand, by standing to be counted or by ballot.


22.    Unless a vote is by ballot, a declaration by the chairman that a motion has been carried and an entry to that effect in the minutes of the Church shall be sufficient evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the members recorded in favor of or against the motion.


23.    When a vote by ballot is demanded, it must be requested by at least three members present and entitled to vote.   It shall be taken in such manner as the chairman directs, and either at once, or after an interval or adjournment.   The result of a vote by ballot shall be deemed the final decision of the meeting at which the ballot was demanded.   The demand of a vote by ballot may be withdrawn.


24.    The demand of a vote by ballot shall not prevent the meeting from continuing or the transaction of any business other than the question on which a ballot has been demanded.


25.   The chairman shall have no vote except when there is an equality of votes, in which case he shall have the deciding vote. The chairman shall vote by ballot at the same time as the vote to be counted only in the event of a tie.


26.    The chairman shall announce the results of all votes, and decide all questions as to rules of order and debate.   Any member, however, who is dissatisfied with a decision of the chair may appeal.   The chairman shall then ask the meeting, “Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?”   The vote of the body, whether negative or affirmative, is final.  The right to appeal should not be used in matters of slight importance.


27.    The chairman may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any meeting to another time or place.  However, no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting, other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place, unless specific notice of such new business is given to the members.


28.    The usual agenda or rules of order may be suspended for the time being by unanimous consent.




29.    The officers of the Church shall be the Pastor, Elders/Deacons, Trustees, Clerk, Treasurer, Superintendents of the Sunday School, and such others as may be deemed necessary.


30.    The Church may delegate certain duties and responsibilities to committees. For the efficient functioning of the Church, members of the following committees shall be elected at the annual business meeting:   the Decoration Committee, Faith Missions, Parsonage, Encouragement, Nominating Committee, Social Committee, Visitation Committee, Ushers Committee, and other committees as deemed necessary.


31.    With the exception of the Pastor and Deacons, as noted below, all officers, boards and committees as well as persons filling all other positions shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee or from the floor and elected at the annual business meeting.   Any positions vacated because of a member moving away or resigning may be filled at the next annual business meeting or at a special business meeting called for that purpose.

All officers and members shall attend church regularly and if absent for a period of three months without valid reason shall contact the committee chairman.  If no resolution is found for the matter, it shall be referred to the Pastor and Deacons for appropriate action.


32.    Deacons shall be nominated by a committee consisting of the Pastor and the Board of Deacons and elected at the annual business meeting;


33.    All officers, boards and committees as well as persons filling all other positions shall serve a term of one year and be eligible for re-election annually with the following exceptions:

(a)     The Nominating Committee shall consist of six members (the clerk, one deacon, senior Pastor, plus three elected members.  Elected members are for two year terms.).




34.    The Pastor shall:

Provide a ministry which will best equip the Church for service within the Church family and to the world outside.

(b)     Preach and teach the Word of God.

(c)      Be responsible for the regular services of public worship and prayer.

(d)     Together with the Deacons, administer the ordinances and provide pastoral and spiritual care for the members and adherents of the Church.

(e)     By virtue of his office, be a member of all boards and committees with the exception of those committees that may be appointed from time to time to consider matters related to him.

(f)       Carry out duties in accordance with job description.



35.    Either the Pastor or the Church may terminate the pastoral relationship by giving two months’ notice in writing or by some mutual arrangement agreeable to both parties.  Such notice by the Church shall be given only upon the authorization of such notice by Special Resolution.




36.    The Deacon board and any remaining Pastors shall diligently seek to fill any vacant Pastor position.

(a)     Only one name shall be presented to the Church for consideration at any one time.

(b)     If the first recommendation is rejected, further recommendations may be made until the Church is satisfied to extend a call.

(c)      The call is to be extended only after it is authorized by a Special Resolution of the Church.

(d)     The Church shall make clear the financial support it shall afford a prospective pastor at the time it extends a call to him.




37.    The Clerk shall:

(a)     Keep the minutes of all general business meetings of the Church.

(b)     Receive and dispatch all letters of transfer of Church membership.

(c)      Act in other ways as corresponding secretary of the Church.

(d)     Call to the attention of the Pastor and Church matters of business which require attention.

(e)     Supply denominational bodies with such data as they require.

(f)       Take charge of all records and papers belonging to the Church.

(g)     Report on the state of the Church membership at each annual business meeting.


38.    Furthermore, in keeping with the requirements of incorporation under the Societies Act, the Clerk shall:

(a)     Maintain the register of members by recording the full name, the date on which each person was admitted as a member, and the date on which any person ceases to be a member.

(b)     File with the Registrar such Annual Reports, balance sheets, lists of names and Special Resolutions as are required by the Societies Act.

(c)      Have custody of the seal of the Church.


39.    In the absence of the Clerk at any general business meeting, a temporary substitute may be appointed to take minutes of the proceedings.




40.    The Treasurer shall:

(a)     Be a member of the Board of Finance.

(b)     Keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of the Church for which the Board of Finance is responsible.

(c)      Make such expenditures as authorized by the Church in passing its annual budget, as well as those of a property maintenance nature out of the General Funds when authorized by the Board of Trustees.

(d)     Make expenditures not provided in the budget only when properly authorized by the Board of Finance.

(e)     Present an audited written financial report containing a balance sheet and operating account to the annual business meeting.

(f)       Open the financial records to inspection by any member of the Church at a convenient time and place.


41.    There shall be an Assistant Treasurer in  the congregation to whom the Treasurer may delegate such responsibilities as are required to handle effectively all monies received.




42.    The Assistant Treasurer shall:

(a)     Count and deposit in the bank account monies received in the offerings at regular and special services of the Church.

(b)     Keep accurate record of monies received from the offering envelopes and other donations.

(c)      Issue receipts for income tax purposes where applicable.






43.    The Sunday school Superintendent shall:

(a)     Administer the work of the Sunday school for all ages.

(b)     Preside at teachers’ meetings.

(c)      Be the disciplinary officer of the Sunday school.

(d)     Act under the Pastor and in closest cooperation with him.


44.    There shall be an Assistant Sunday School Superintendent to whom the Superintendent may delegate such responsibilities as may be necessary to administer the Sunday school effectively.   In the absence of the Superintendent, the Assistance Superintendent shall assume all the Superintendent’s responsibilities.



45.   The Elders/Deacons shall be chosen by virtue of their spiritual fitness for the position as set forth in Titus 1:5-9 and I Timothy 3:1-13. The Board of Elders/Deacons shall elect for itself a chairman and a secretary, and shall organize itself so that it may effectively keep contact with and oversee the Church’s worship, outreach, involvement in missions, special events, and all other spiritual ministries of the Church.

The Board shall:

(a)     Give their leadership and cooperation in all spiritual activities of the Church.

(b)     Advise, assist and support the Pastor in the promotion of the moral and spiritual welfare and advancement of the Church.

(c)      Arrange for and assist in the administration of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

(d)     Receive application from any member requesting a License to preach and, after careful examination, report to the Church with its recommendation.

(e)     In the absence of the Pastor, or if the Church is without a Pastor, provide leadership for the Bible studies, prayer meetings and worship services of the Church.

(f)       Be responsible for prayerfully selecting members to serve on the Board of Elders/Deacons.

(g)     Receive, consider and authorize or reject proposals for financial expenditures not provided in the budget and not exceeding $500.00.




46.    The Board of Finance shall elect for itself a chairman and a secretary, and shall include among its members the Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurers.  The Board shall:

(a)     Be responsible for the collection, tabulation and expenditure of all Church funds, excepting those raised and used for their own purposes by separate organizations within the Church.

(b)     Prepare an annual budget for submission to the Church at the annual meeting, indicating all proposed expenditures for the coming year.

(c)      Authorize expenditures not provided in the budget and exceeding $500.00 only after the Church has given its approval at a general business meeting.



47.    The Board of Trustees are the elected servants of the Church and are to execute its will as directed and authorized at its legally called business meetings.  While the Elders/Deacons are charged with the duty of advancing the spiritual welfare of the Church, the Trustees are responsible for its physical welfare.  The Board of Trustees shall elect for itself a chairman and a secretary, and shall organize itself so that it may effectively examine the need for and carry out maintenance and improvements to the Church buildings.   The Board shall:

(a)   Have general oversight of the Church property and keep the same in good repair and insured.

(b)   Have authority to contract bills for expenditures for property maintenance only, not exceeding the money available in the appropriate fund, and to order payment of same by the Treasurer.

(c)   At least once a year thoroughly inspect all property owned by the Church and report to the Church such repairs and renovations as may be needed.

(d)   Coordinate plans for improvements on buildings.

(e)   Act as the Church’s agents for borrowing money, or buying, selling or mortgaging the Church’s property, subject to the Church’s approval by Special Resolution at a general business meeting.

(f)    Authorize five per cent (5%) of the budget for emergency repairs to church properties without a general meeting of the Church, providing that the funds are available.

(g)   Contract snow removal for the winter season.

(h)   They shall also be responsible for providing Janitorial service for the Church building.

(i)     All memorial gifts and donations, excluding money, become the property of the church and may be utilized as deemed necessary by the Trustees.




48.    Each committee shall meet as soon as possible following the annual general business meeting to elect a chairman, to familiarize its members with the duties of the committee, and if necessary to plan the year’s activities.


49.    The Decoration Committee shall keep the sanctuary suitably decorated with plants and flowers for various meetings.  Special attention shall be given to Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas services.


50.    The Parsonage Committee shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of the parsonage.  It shall be responsible for the inspection of the parsonage and parsonage property at least twice yearly, and shall report to the church at least annually, making recommendations concerning repairs, renovations, etc.


51.   The Faith Missions Committee shall consist of at least six members.  There shall be a chairman, secretary, and treasurer.  The goal of Faith Missions is to oversee all mission work sponsored by the members of Parker’s Cove Baptist Church with the overall aim of spending up to 10% of all church income in the mission field.   At least yearly the committee will review and recommend any changes to the list of sponsored missions and report all activities at the annual business meeting.


52.    The Nominating Committee shall meet early in the new year, before the annual business meeting, to prayerfully prepare the slate of officers, boards, committees and other positions to be nominated at the annual business meeting.    At the request of a general business meeting of the Church, this committee may nominate persons to fill such vacancies as may occur during the year.   It shall consult its nominees before it brings their names before the Church.   At no time are its nominations binding.


53.    The Social Committee shall arrange for light refreshments to be served following a service or special event when asked in advance by the Pastor or Board of Deacons.   Generally refreshments will be served at the time of fellowship following services or events where guests from outside the Church have been invited to participate.


54.    The Visitation and Encouragement Committees, cooperating with the Pastor and Deacons, shall visit the sick, the shut-ins, the aged, newcomers to the community and any others in special need of Christian fellowship.


55.    The Ushers Committee shall be responsible for the seating of people at all Church services and shall take up the offering.  Its duties shall include the supervision of lighting, temperature and ventilation during services.  If requested by the Board of Deacons, the Ushers shall also direct parking and usher at a funeral held in a Church building.




56.    The Church may from time to time borrow on the security of its real and personal property, or either of them, or any other security, or without security whatsoever, any sum or sums of money that it deems necessary by a Special Resolution of the members.




57.    Contracts, deeds, bills of exchange, bonds, debentures or other securities, assignments, releases and agreements and other instruments and documents may be executed on behalf of the Church by any two Trustees or as otherwise directed by Special Resolution of the Church in general meeting.


58.    The power to execute mortgages of the Church’s real or personal property, and the power to issue bonds or debentures secured by mortgage or otherwise shall not be exercised by the Trustees except with the sanction of a Special Resolution of the Church.




59.    The auditors of the Church shall be appointed annually by the members at the annual business meeting and, on failure of the members to appoint auditors, the Board of Finance may do so.


60.    The auditors shall make a written report to the members upon the balance sheet and operating account and, in every such report, they shall state whether, in their opinion, the balance sheet is a full and fair balance sheet containing the particulars required by the Church and properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the Church’s affairs, and such report shall be presented at the annual business meeting.




61.    According to the teachings of God’s work regarding giving, the funds of this Church shall be raised only by the free will giving of Tithes and Offerings.  (Malachi 3:8-10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 1 Corinthians 16:2) and its reliance shall be upon the promise of God to supply all its needs (Philippians 4:19).




62.    The Church shall file within fourteen days after its annual business meeting:

(a)     Its Annual Reports.

(b)     A copy of its balance sheet, showing the general particulars of its liabilities and assets and a statement of its income and expenditures in the preceding year, audited by its auditors.

(c)      A list of its Board of Elders/Deacons and Board of Trustees with their addresses, occupations and dates of election.


63.    The Church shall notify the Registrar of a change of Board of Elders/Deacons and Board of Trustees within fourteen days of the change.


64.    The Church shall file with the Registrar a copy in duplicate of every Special Resolution within fourteen days after the Special Resolution is passed.


65.    Every submission to the Registrar shall be authenticated by the Clerk or other authorized officer of the Church.





66.  All use of church property must be in accordance with the document entitled Use of Church Property Policy


67.    For the purposes of certification of documents or proceedings, the Clerk or any officer appointed by the Church may affix the seal of the Church.


68.    All books, papers and records relating to the Church and its transactions shall be the property of the Church.


69.    The fiscal year of the Church shall be the period from January 1 to December 31 in any year.


70.    These by-laws may be amended at any regularly called business meeting of the Church by Special Resolution, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in the call for the meeting, or at a previous business meeting of the Church.   Irrespective of any changes made in the by-laws they shall not affect the existing term of office or any officer, or board or committee member serving at the time of change.


71.    As the Church views these by-laws as a guideline or tool to be used, and not as a binding set of chains, a By-Law Committee shall be appointed by the Church every five years, whose job shall be to study the by-laws and to recommend any revisions which it deems necessary.




72.   The property belonging to this Church shall not be used for purposes other than those in keeping with the objects stated in the by-laws of the Parker’s Cove Baptist Church of this Constitution and the above mentioned property shall not be used by organizations other than those named and provided for under the terms of this Constitution, without permission being granted by the Church. 




73.    All individuals who interact with youth at any level (i.e., Nursery duty, Sunday School, FaithWeaver Friends, Daily Vacation Bible School and all youth programs, as well as transportation of youth) are required to be screened by the RCMP Criminal Investigation and the Family and Children’s Services Sexual Abuse Registry, the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Policy as adopted by the Parker’s Cove Baptist Church as attached.  Any new people who apply to work in youth ministry of our Church are required to:

(a)     complete the sexual abuse application;

(b)     regularly attend a recognized Christian Church for six months prior to becoming involved with our youth; give name and address of church attended;

(c)      demonstrate ability to work with youth.



It is the intent of this church congregation to provide a secure and trustworthy environment for all who attend this facility.  To that end, we recognize the need for a “Child Abuse Prevention Program” to protect children and leaders.  Therefore a policy has been developed and this awareness and prevention program must be used annually (early September) and for any new youth leaders who may join in training young people, staff or volunteer.


This policy is made up of an awareness seminar and selection process which contains:


  1. “Understanding the Problem of Child Sexual Abuse”
  2. “The Churches Need to Respond”
  3. “Worker Selection, Supervision, and Incident Reporting”
  4. the video, “Reducing the Risk” or alternate training aids as  approved by Board of Deacons
  5. and selection forms: (as used by an interview committee to be established on an ad hoc basis as needed)

(a)     Ministry/Leadership Volunteer Application Form.

(b)     Ministry/Leadership Volunteer Interview Form

(c)      Telephone Follow-Up Format for Screening Applicants Form and

(d)     Record of Church Contact with a reference or church identified by an applicant form.

(e)     If an allegation is made, we will follow Sections 23 and 24 of the Children and Family Services Act.




We adopt the following:


The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Section 15) guarantees all Canadian citizens both individual rights and freedoms (civil liberties) as well as freedom of conscience and religion, and we voluntarily acknowledge the Holy Scriptures as the basis upon which we order our lives in all matters of faith and practice, and our interpretation of Scripture prohibits homosexual practice, and we believe that marriage, as historically and currently defined in Canadian society as the lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, is consistent with God’s plan for sexual bonding and the only appropriate context for sexual intimacy.   We believe that this definition, while distinguishing between types of social relationships, does not discriminate against those of homosexual orientation, and our interpretation of Scripture also challenges us to respect civil authority while living out our faith in the presence of the broader society.  We will strive, at all times and in all places, to speak the truth as we understand it, in love and with humility.   We will strive to develop and implement policies which celebrate and affirm marriage as a covenant union between a man and a woman in the presence of God, and the Christian wedding service as a fundamentally religious ceremony, and will continue to develop positive and proactive ministries aimed at teaching biblical principles for marriage so that the marriages of those who attend will be strengthened.”




  1. We affirm the worth and dignity of all people.
  2. We support the separation of Church and State in Canadian society.
  3. We value the principles of freedom and democracy by which our country is governed.
  4. We respect the cultural, ethnic and religious diversity of Canadian society.
  5. We cherish the freedom we have to live according to our faith and to hold beliefs which are sometimes at odds with secular society.
  6. On the matter of the legal recognition of same-sex unions, we believe that:
  7. Marriage is a unique institution, based on the union of one man and one woman;
  8. Marriage is the fundamental social unit of society;
    1. The institution of marriage should be upheld in Canadian law and public policy because it encourages social stability;
    2. The marriage relationship is the preferred context within which society reproduces itself;
    3. Marriage is more than simply a relationship of love and commitment between two people – it is also a social institution and, in our view, a religious covenant between two people in the presence of God;
    4. In Christian theology, marriage is not only endorsed by God but the marriage relationship is used to depict the union of Christ and His church;
    5. The opposite-sex definition of marriage, while it makes a distinction, does not discriminate against gays and lesbians;
    6. Insofar as it is necessary to recognize same-sex unions in law and public policy, Parliament should create a new category for these unions which recognizes their distinctiveness;
    7. In law and public policy, the opposite-sex requirement for marriage should be maintained; and
    8. These views are consistent with The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   They reflect principles that affirm “the supremacy of God and the rule of law” while also respecting the protections guaranteed in Section 15.